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DR Congo gets 50,000 mpox vaccine delivery from US

KINSHASA: Democratic Republic of Congo received on Tuesday (Sep 10) 50,000 more vaccine doses from the United States to fight the country’s mpox epidemic, adding to some 200,000 donated by the European Union.
The DRC is at the epicentre of the latest outbreak and has recorded more than 21,500 cases and over 700 deaths, according to the public health institute in charge of managing the epidemic in the country.
“The donation of 50,000 vaccines against mpox coming from the United States arrived today in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” US ambassador to DRC Lucy Tamlyn said on X on Tuesday.
An additional 15,000 doses were delivered on the same plane from the Gavi Vaccine Alliance, the public health institute said.
On Sunday some 100,000 EU-donated vaccines arrived in DRC capital Kinshasa, the public health institute and Africa CDC confirmed.
